Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Joyful Rayne

Rayne is showing great signs of improvement!

She had an MRI and was evaluated by a neurologist last week and her brain looks great! Her brain was fully developed at birth and that helped her fight any damage.  They will monitor her through kindergarten but the neurologist was quite positive. 

Rayne is a Miracle!

A Nurse left a note explaining the gravity of Rayne's treatment and the financial weight it puts on her family.

It reads: "Rayne had a traumatic delivery that required life support for 1 week to recover.  She was critical enough that she required 2 nurses just to take care of her and her equipment.  She could not be held or even touched very much during that time.  She is lucky to recover as well as she did from all of her life saving treatments and therapies.  Although she has made great progress, she remains in the ICU as she is weaned from meds and learns to eat.  Teaching a baby to eat after being so sick is very challenging and takes time and patience.  I don't know the costs of all her treatments but I know it is HUGE!!!  The cost for fuel alone for her parents to come visit her every day is as much as a house payment every month."

Matt said that she is beginning to suck but still needs to swallow.  That is the major hurdle to getting her home.

Please keep following Rayne's journey and share it with everyone.  
We are really trying to help pay for the huge medical bills heading Matt and Melissa's way so they can keep their heads afloat and help them keep their home. 

Thank you for your support!


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